Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Known Unknown by Farzana Urmi, Dhaka

Artist Statement:

The concept of rationality in contemporary thoughts mainly works as a theoretical framework that puts its emphasis on working across multidisciplinary and media. However, I would like to frame mine as way of aligning an expressive language of art with an intuitive, spontaneous interpretation of reality. My project of Relational thus is connected to my way of seeing – through which I would like to advance my experimentation with representation that thrives on the technique of defamiliarization. Though defamiliarization is often seen as distancing, I would like to propose this as an intuitive way of connecting to reality. As graphic artists and painter, I would also like to examine the possibility of exploring the possibility inherent in such a technique while these two methods are fused and used to forward a certain kind of expressiveness.

My work size is 4 fit x5 fit, mixed on paper titled – known unknown series. Year 2016

Farzana Urmi Ahmed

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